The Muhaajireen (The Reverts)

Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then remained on a right course – there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.

– Al-Qur’an 46:13



The revert brothers and sisters are continuously followed up by our duaat, meet them regularly, enriching them with the fundamentals of Islam, like ablution and prayer, the Do’s and the Don’ts, memorization of duaa, recitation of Quran etc.





We, at HGWC extend support like legal formalities, documentations related to change of name and change of religion,affidavits and the formalities to be fulfilled at the gazette. They are sent to learn Islam in reputed organisations , including Madeena University.








The revert brethren need complete rehabilitation, hence a lions share of the contribution from zakah is spent towards the betterment of their lives.

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